
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Preparing for a research trip

I'm planning a research trip next week. Sounds exciting? For me it is, but maybe not so much for anyone else. Unfortunately I won't be travelling to some far flung (or even nearby location) to see the original records myself, learn about the local history, walk on the ground where my ancestors trod and generally soak up the atmosphere. I'll just be visiting the library.

I recently wrote that I had found Richard ROBOTHAM on a passenger list to Australia. The microfiche is available at the National Library of Australia (NLA). Although the library is only 20 minutes away, I haven't had a chance to do this sort of thing in the last few years. It's hard to get out of the house without at least one very small person along for the ride. So, for me it's exciting.

Am I ready for it? Well, I have printed out my NLA 'to do' list. It has many more items on it than I will have time for. My plan is to look at Richard's passenger list first. Anything else I find will be a bonus! I have a small laptop with my database (nicely synced with my desktop version via Dropbox) to check up on details... I found my NLA readers card... Yes, I think I am!


  1. You're not the only one who finds such trips exciting! I think I'd actually prefer a visit to a major library with rewarding resources than any other sort of holiday or trip. Maybe that's sad, but at least I'm happy! Good luck and have a great time!

  2. You're not the only one who finds such trips exciting! I think I'd actually prefer a visit to a major library with rewarding resources than any other sort of holiday or trip. Maybe that's sad, but at least I'm happy! Good luck and have a great time!
