
Friday, September 24, 2010

A new look for Twigs of Yore

I've just updated the look of my blog.

I used Blogger's template designer and customised it until it was somewhere near what I had in mind. I didn't quite get there, but I think I can live with most of the compromises I made. The only one that really annoys me is the faint border around each image. If someone could tell me how to get rid of that, it would be much appreciated.

I've tried to keep the elements I liked and had good feedback on with the previous design - a clean style with the text easily readable (larger, serif font), and not too much clutter.

The biggest change is the banner. I'm rather pleased with it, if I do say so myself.

What do you think?!


  1. Looking good - that header is tops.
    I wish I had an image of the former look - I know I liked it but can't remember what it looked like.
    Just shows that the content is probably the most important element!

  2. Love the banner - how did you do it?

  3. Shelley, you obviously found out that BORDER="0" should get rid of the outline around the images. This is the most attractive blog I have seen. And the banner is brilliant!

  4. Thanks everyone!

    @Geniaus: I should have taken a screenshot before I started. It had a green strip all the way across the top with the title in normal text.

    @Greta: see my next post for how I did it.

    @Judy: Thank you (*blush*).

  5. Shelley, you obviously found out that BORDER="0" should get rid of the outline around the images. This is the most attractive blog I have seen. And the banner is brilliant!
