
Friday, January 7, 2011

Suggestion: Genealogy blog topic for Australia Day (26 Jan 2011)

Australia Day falls on 26 January each year. In 2010 I had a last-minute thought that it would be nice to do an Australia Day blog post. I did a quick search of my database for any events that occured on 26 January, and posted the result. I was surprised and pleased when Geniaus and Carole Riley joined in. If only we'd had more time to prepare!

This year I've given it more thought.

This is the task I've set myself:
Find the earliest piece of documentation you have about an ancestor in Australia. If you don't have an Australian ancestor, then choose the earliest piece of documentation you have for a relative in Australia.
On Wednesday 26 January 2011 post your answers to these questions:
  1. What is the document? 
  2. Do you remember the research process that lead you to it? How and where did you find it?
  3. Tell us the story(ies) of the document. You may like to consider the nature of the document, the people mentioned, the place and the time. Be as long or short, broad or narrow in your story telling as you like!
Would anyone like to join me?


Geniaus has made the brilliant suggestion that we should collate the posts somewhere.

If you join in, please email me (see the About Me page for my email address) with the URL and one short paragraph describing your post. I'll put together a post that collates and links to all the offerings.


  1. Fantastic idea - I'll try to promote it via blog - have aready tweeted.

    Woud be good if those taking part could email their posts' URLs to someone who could do a post that collates all offerings :-) ike in a Geneaogy Carnival

  2. What a great idea. Will write a suitable post and will retweet.

  3. Thanks Geniaus, and aggregating the posts is an even better idea.

    I'll create a post that collates the offerings. I'll update this post to reflect that.

  4. I'll give it a go too, just remind us a few days before?

  5. Good idea, will be giving it some thought this week as to which document I'll use.

  6. hi Shelley

    I've nominated you for the Ancestor Approved Award. I love your idea for Australia Day and intend to contribute -just have to remember to let you know :-)


  7. Good idea, will be giving it some thought this week as to which document I'll use.
