
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Getting ready for Congress 2015

The essentials are under control.

I’ve registered to attend the Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry being held here in Canberra at the end of this month. I’ve arranged for time off work. I’ve reviewed the list of presentations. I’ve warned my family that I won’t be around much!

Now I’m getting my “want” list under control.

I’ve asked Jill Ball (of Geniaus) to put me on her list for “blogger beads”. I’m excited about meeting other geneabloggers – particularly those I have known through their blogs or social media for some time but never actually met. Jill herself, for example! I’ll be looking out for people wearing those beads. I think they’ll be a great icebreaker. I would assume that anyone wearing the beads is happy to talk, and knowing the wearer has a blog provides a topic of conversation to start off with. Reading that Jill has 27 on her list for blogger beads has sent me on a blog reading and subscribing binge. Just as my blogging output reduced over the last few years, so did my exploration of new blogs. I’ve got a lot to catch up on!

I followed Judy Webster’s advice and ordered contact cards which list my blog address, contact details, and (some of the) surnames I’m tracing. I giggled as I clicked my way through the checkout. It seems funny to be ordering business cards for a hobby. I can’t imagine myself actually handing one to someone, but at any rate now I will have the option. The cards are supposed to arrive on 20 March so I have at least a little buffer zone for printing or postal delays before Congress. Going through the checkout process Vistaprint offered up suggestions for other custom items I might like to buy. I was very tempted by the matching custom pens. Perhaps next time I’ll plan to order a few!

Judy is also the mastermind behind the Genealogists for Families “Kiva” group. Kiva is a platform for making small loans to people around the world, particularly in countries with lower incomes. I’ve put my hand up to join in a get-together of group members after Congress closes.

I have not yet added any entries to the Congress Register of Interests. I will have to think about what to list.

I’m looking forward to Congress and am enjoying the sense of anticipation building around the aussiegeneablogosphere!


  1. Shelley, it sounds like you're certainly organised. I look forward to finally meeting you in person at Congress and at the Kiva get-together.

  2. Pleased that you have emerged, hope we'll have time for a chat amongst all the Congress busyness.

  3. I'll be looking out for you and your beads Shelley!

    1. Just think, all three of the Galaxy Girls in one place!

  4. Can't wait to meet you Shelley!

    1. You too, Alex. I've always thought I would enjoy your sense of humour if we me! (Now there's pressure!)

  5. Will be good to catch up again Shelley, it's been a few years

  6. Shelley, I definitely want one of your hobby/business cards! Thanks for mentioning my blog post and Kiva. I'm looking forward to meeting you next week.
